For those wishing to learn Reiki for free, you want to share 3 very special Reiki courses which could allow you to start learning Reiki right now. And best of all, most of these courses are high quality and they're 100% free.reiki course online
In the first place then, let's talk about what's included in each of these courses. Each course carries a free Reiki ebook (practitioner manual), free Reiki attunement, free online support and a free of charge completion certificate.
You will find even some free instructional videos that are available, along with all this, which can help makes things super easy to learn the techniques that are being introduced.
For most of these courses, it's made specific why these free courses cover everything that you'd normally learn within an in-person Reiki workshop but obviously, they're free!
Also, because of the learning format, you can learn most of the course material in your time & space that is really great.
And for folks who only want to read the courses for themselves, you can access the courses directly from here ->
Free Reiki Courses Category 1 - Usui Reiki & Advanced Usui Reiki (all levels)
On the Love Inspiration website, it offers a very brief introduction to the thought of Reiki such as this:
Reiki may be referred to as a system of energy based healing which supports to boost your energetic vibration nearer to love, light & peace. As a result of these energetic changes, those who receive Reiki on a regular basis will often experience relief from a variety of different ailments, whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. One of the very beautiful things about learning Reiki on your own is that you become in a position to 'tap into' this universal source of life force energy so you can clear away blockages and help yourself move towards resilient health & happiness. We hope you enjoy these free online Reiki courses and may they help you in your life's journey!
Free Reiki Courses Category 2 - Kundalini Reiki & Advanced Kundalini Reiki (all levels)
Kundalini Reiki is another extremely popular form of Reiki, practised by millions of people from all over the world. On the Love Inspiration website, it describes it's free Kundalini Reiki training as follows:
During the first level, you'll discover ways to do hands on healing (both on your own and others) in addition to something we reference as distance healing. After several days of practice, you're then in a position to progress to level 2 where you'll discover ways to execute a very easy 5 minute meditative technique which supports to cleanse your inner world as you prepare for the Kundalini Reiki Master level energies.
The Master level is another truly beautiful step forwards when you are introduced to numerous various kinds of energetic frequencies and
techniques. Obviously, as of this level, you will even discover ways to attune others to this beautiful system of healing and growth; a gift that is always this type of pleasure to share with others.
You will find an additional six levels being learnt in this Advanced Kundalini Healing system with each level being very easy and easy to learn and practice. Most of these are included within these free Reiki courses (through our ebooks system) and develop why these beautiful Kundalini energies help to create much love, light & healing into your life.
Free Reiki Courses Category 3 - Universal Reiki
The Universal Reiki teachings were received from Higher Consciousness only very recently and to greatly help us introduce this new form of Reiki, here is a sample from the course material, to greatly help describe the purpose & nature with this beautiful Reiki healing system:
“Universal Reiki opens a direct channel of energy sources referred to as ‘The Obturion'featuring selection of high energetic frequenciesto help you in your Universal Reiki pathway. These high frequency energies are here to greatly help your kind to open further to the light of love and loving kindness for many infinite beings. Including those that you do not know, or see. This is a significant aspect for
your healing pathway, for indeed to wish the great liberation for many beings means there should be comprehension of more than just the self.
Here we will be unfolding the tree of Universal Reiki in a simple set of complete teachings, encompassing the energy radiances required to expand the consciousness. Six sets of teachings shall manifest a good abundance of love expansion within each and each of you, however it's not just a requirement that most six are taken.
Here the value is for you really to choose those you are feeling interested in at any time. In this way, you can find no set order for the teachings and you may take as numerous or as low as you wish. Please simply complete the necessary prerequisites as deemed necessary."
Most of these free Reiki courses are given through Love Inspiration which is a not for profit organisation specialized in helping people feel more love, light & happiness in their life.
We hope that you enjoy these free Reiki courses and may they allow you to feel a deeper sense of joy, peace & harmony in your life.